Leanne Jones, PhD

Professor, Anatomy
Director, Bakar Aging Research Institute Anatomy
+1 415 476-4622

The Jones Lab primary goal is characterizing fundamental mechanisms that are involved in regulating stem cell behavior.  Once such mechanisms are established, we are interested in understanding how these mechanisms are altered by organismal aging or chronic or acute changes in metabolism, leading to age-onset diseases, such as cancer.

Research Summary: 
Defining conserved mechanisms regulating stem cell behavior and how these are altered with age and in response to chronic or acute changes in metabolism.


Featured Publications: 

Regeneration, Rejuvenation, and Replacement: Turning Back the Clock on Tissue Aging.

Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology

Rando TA, Jones DL

Neuroglian regulates Drosophila intestinal stem cell proliferation through enhanced signaling via the epidermal growth factor receptor.

Stem cell reports

Resnik-Docampo M, Cunningham KM, Ruvalcaba SM, Choi C, Sauer V, Jones DL

DNA Methylation Analysis Validates Organoids as a Viable Model for Studying Human Intestinal Aging.

Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology

Lewis SK, Nachun D, Martin MG, Horvath S, Coppola G, Jones DL

Mitochondrial fusion regulates lipid homeostasis and stem cell maintenance in the Drosophila testis.

Nature cell biology

Sênos Demarco R, Uyemura BS, D'Alterio C, Jones DL

Tricellular junctions regulate intestinal stem cell behaviour to maintain homeostasis.

Nature cell biology

Resnik-Docampo M, Koehler CL, Clark RI, Schinaman JM, Sauer V, Wong DM, Lewis S, D'Alterio C, Walker DW, Jones DL