Cancer research

Malignant progression and blockade of angiogenesis in a murine transgenic model of neuroblastoma.

Cancer research

Chesler L, Goldenberg DD, Seales IT, Satchi-Fainaro R, Grimmer M, Collins R, Struett C, Nguyen KN, Kim G, Tihan T, Bao Y, Brekken RA, Bergers G, Folkman J, Weiss WA

A dual phosphoinositide-3-kinase alpha/mTOR inhibitor cooperates with blockade of epidermal growth factor receptor in PTEN-mutant glioma.

Cancer research

Fan QW, Cheng CK, Nicolaides TP, Hackett CS, Knight ZA, Shokat KM, Weiss WA

A dual phosphoinositide-3-kinase alpha/mTOR inhibitor cooperates with blockade of epidermal growth factor receptor in PTEN-mutant glioma.

Cancer research

Fan QW, Cheng CK, Nicolaides TP, Hackett CS, Knight ZA, Shokat KM, Weiss WA

Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase destabilizes Mycn protein and blocks malignant progression in neuroblastoma.

Cancer research

Chesler L, Schlieve C, Goldenberg DD, Kenney A, Kim G, McMillan A, Matthay KK, Rowitch D, Weiss WA

Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase destabilizes Mycn protein and blocks malignant progression in neuroblastoma.

Cancer research

Chesler L, Schlieve C, Goldenberg DD, Kenney A, Kim G, McMillan A, Matthay KK, Rowitch D, Weiss WA

Shared epigenetic mechanisms in human and mouse gliomas inactivate expression of the growth suppressor SLC5A8.

Cancer research

Hong C, Maunakea A, Jun P, Bollen AW, Hodgson JG, Goldenberg DD, Weiss WA, Costello JF

Shared epigenetic mechanisms in human and mouse gliomas inactivate expression of the growth suppressor SLC5A8.

Cancer research

Hong C, Maunakea A, Jun P, Bollen AW, Hodgson JG, Goldenberg DD, Weiss WA, Costello JF

Stromal matrix metalloproteinase-9 regulates the vascular architecture in neuroblastoma by promoting pericyte recruitment.

Cancer research

Chantrain CF, Shimada H, Jodele S, Groshen S, Ye W, Shalinsky DR, Werb Z, Coussens LM, DeClerck YA
