Circulation research

Multi-Imaging Method to Assay the Contractile Mechanical Output of Micropatterned Human iPSC-Derived Cardiac Myocytes.

Circulation research

Ribeiro AJ, Schwab O, Mandegar MA, Ang YS, Conklin BR, Srivastava D, Pruitt BL

Is Growth Differentiation Factor 11 a Realistic Therapeutic for Aging-Dependent Muscle Defects?

Circulation research

Harper SC, Brack A, MacDonnell S, Franti M, Olwin BB, Bailey BA, Rudnicki MA, Houser SR

Is Growth Differentiation Factor 11 a Realistic Therapeutic for Aging-Dependent Muscle Defects?

Circulation research

Harper SC, Brack A, MacDonnell S, Franti M, Olwin BB, Bailey BA, Rudnicki MA, Houser SR

Investigating the transcriptional control of cardiovascular development.

Circulation research

Kathiriya IS, Nora EP, Bruneau BG

Investigating the transcriptional control of cardiovascular development.

Circulation research

Kathiriya IS, Nora EP, Bruneau BG

RNA sequencing of mouse sinoatrial node reveals an upstream regulatory role for Islet-1 in cardiac pacemaker cells.

Circulation research

Vedantham V, Galang G, Evangelista M, Deo RC, Srivastava D

RNA sequencing of mouse sinoatrial node reveals an upstream regulatory role for Islet-1 in cardiac pacemaker cells.

Circulation research

Vedantham V, Galang G, Evangelista M, Deo RC, Srivastava D

Oxygen: double-edged sword in cardiac function and repair.

Circulation research

Ang YS, Srivastava D

Oxygen: double-edged sword in cardiac function and repair.

Circulation research

Ang YS, Srivastava D

Congenital heart disease: entering a new era of human genetics.

Circulation research

Bruneau BG, Srivastava D
