Developmental neuroscience

Defining longer term outcomes in an ovine model of moderate perinatal hypoxia-ischemia.

Developmental neuroscience

Mike JK, Wu KY, White Y, Pathipati P, Ndjamen B, Hutchings RS, Losser C, Vento C, Arellano K, Vanhatalo O, Ostrin S, Windsor C, Ha J, Alhassen Z, Goudy BD, Vali P, Lakshminrusimha S, Gobburu JV, Long-Boyle J, Chen P, Wu YW, Fineman JR, Ferriero DM, Maltepe E

The Eya1 Phosphatase Mediates Shh-Driven Symmetric Cell Division of Cerebellar Granule Cell Precursors.

Developmental neuroscience

Merk DJ, Zhou P, Cohen SM, Pazyra-Murphy MF, Hwang GH, Rehm KJ, Alfaro J, Reid CM, Zhao X, Park E, Xu PX, Chan JA, Eck MJ, Nazemi KJ, Harwell CC, Segal RA

Moderate-Grade Germinal Matrix Haemorrhage Activates Cell Division in the Neonatal Mouse Subventricular Zone.

Developmental neuroscience

Dawes WJ, Zhang X, Fancy SPJ, Rowitch D, Marino S

Moderate-Grade Germinal Matrix Haemorrhage Activates Cell Division in the Neonatal Mouse Subventricular Zone.

Developmental neuroscience

Dawes WJ, Zhang X, Fancy SP, Rowitch D, Marino S

Hilar mossy cells share developmental influences with dentate granule neurons.

Developmental neuroscience

Li G, Berger O, Han SM, Paredes M, Wu NC, Pleasure SJ

Hilar mossy cells share developmental influences with dentate granule neurons.

Developmental neuroscience

Li G, Berger O, Han SM, Paredes M, Wu NC, Pleasure SJ


Developmental neuroscience

Samuel J. Pleasure, Scott C. Baraban
