
Spatiotemporal mosaic self-patterning of pluripotent stem cells using CRISPR interference.


Libby AR, Joy DA, So PL, Mandegar MA, Muncie JM, Mendoza-Camacho FN, Weaver VM, Conklin BR, McDevitt TC

Shining light on spindle positioning.


Serra-Marques A, Dumont S

Cellular aspect ratio and cell division mechanics underlie the patterning of cell progeny in diverse mammalian epithelia.


McKinley KL, Stuurman N, Royer LA, Schartner C, Castillo-Azofeifa D, Delling M, Klein OD, Vale RD

Microglial transglutaminase-2 drives myelination and myelin repair via GPR56/ADGRG1 in oligodendrocyte precursor cells.


Giera S, Luo R, Ying Y, Ackerman SD, Jeong SJ, Stoveken HM, Folts CJ, Welsh CA, Tall GG, Stevens B, Monk KR, Piao X

Co-translational protein targeting facilitates centrosomal recruitment of PCNT during centrosome maturation in vertebrates.


Sepulveda G, Antkowiak M, Brust-Mascher I, Mahe K, Ou T, Castro NM, Christensen LN, Cheung L, Jiang X, Yoon D, Huang B, Jao LE

A genetic program mediates cold-warming response and promotes stress-induced phenoptosis in C. elegans.


Jiang W, Wei Y, Long Y, Owen A, Wang B, Wu X, Luo S, Dang Y, Ma DK

A genetic program mediates cold-warming response and promotes stress-induced phenoptosis in C. elegans.


Jiang W, Wei Y, Long Y, Owen A, Wang B, Wu X, Luo S, Dang Y, Ma DK

A bulky glycocalyx fosters metastasis formation by promoting G1 cell cycle progression.


Woods EC, Kai F, Barnes JM, Pedram K, Pickup MW, Hollander MJ, Weaver VM, Bertozzi CR
