Internet of Things

IoT cloud laboratory: Internet of Things architecture for cellular biology.

Internet of Things

David F. Parks, Kateryna Voitiuk, Jinghui Geng, Matthew A.T. Elliott, Matthew G. Keefe, Erik A. Jung, Ash Robbins, Pierre V. Baudin, Victoria T. Ly, Nico Hawthorne, Dylan Yong, Sebastian E. Sanso, Nick Rezaee, Jess L. Sevetson, Spencer T. Seiler, Rob Currie, Alex A. Pollen, Keith B. Hengen, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, Mohammed A. Mostajo-Radji, Sofie R. Salama, Mircea Teodorescu, David Haussler

Low cost cloud based remote microscopy for biological sciences.

Internet of Things

Pierre V. Baudin, Victoria T. Ly, Pattawong Pansodtee, Erik A. Jung, Robert Currie, Ryan Hoffman, Helen Rankin Willsey, Alex A. Pollen, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, David Haussler, Mohammed A. Mostajo-Radji, Sofie Salama, Mircea Teodorescu