
Apolipoprotein E4 Causes Age-Dependent Disruption of Slow Gamma Oscillations during Hippocampal Sharp-Wave Ripples.


Gillespie AK, Jones EA, Lin YH, Karlsson MP, Kay K, Yoon SY, Tong LM, Nova P, Carr JS, Frank LM, Huang Y

Phosphorylation of ß-Tubulin by the Down Syndrome Kinase, Minibrain/DYRK1a, Regulates Microtubule Dynamics and Dendrite Morphogenesis.


Ori-McKenney KM, McKenney RJ, Huang HH, Li T, Meltzer S, Jan LY, Vale RD, Wiita AP, Jan YN

Phosphorylation of ß-Tubulin by the Down Syndrome Kinase, Minibrain/DYRK1a, Regulates Microtubule Dynamics and Dendrite Morphogenesis.


Ori-McKenney KM, McKenney RJ, Huang HH, Li T, Meltzer S, Jan LY, Vale RD, Wiita AP, Jan YN

Epidermis-Derived Semaphorin Promotes Dendrite Self-Avoidance by Regulating Dendrite-Substrate Adhesion in Drosophila Sensory Neurons.


Meltzer S, Yadav S, Lee J, Soba P, Younger SH, Jin P, Zhang W, Parrish J, Jan LY, Jan YN

Epidermis-Derived Semaphorin Promotes Dendrite Self-Avoidance by Regulating Dendrite-Substrate Adhesion in Drosophila Sensory Neurons.


Meltzer S, Yadav S, Lee J, Soba P, Younger SH, Jin P, Zhang W, Parrish J, Jan LY, Jan YN

Pbx Regulates Patterning of the Cerebral Cortex in Progenitors and Postmitotic Neurons.


Golonzhka O, Nord A, Tang PLF, Lindtner S, Ypsilanti AR, Ferretti E, Visel A, Selleri L, Rubenstein JLR

Pbx Regulates Patterning of the Cerebral Cortex in Progenitors and Postmitotic Neurons.


Golonzhka O, Nord A, Tang PL, Lindtner S, Ypsilanti AR, Ferretti E, Visel A, Selleri L, Rubenstein JL

Wide Dispersion and Diversity of Clonally Related Inhibitory Interneurons.


Harwell CC, Fuentealba LC, Gonzalez-Cerrillo A, Parker PR, Gertz CC, Mazzola E, Garcia MT, Alvarez-Buylla A, Cepko CL, Kriegstein AR

Wide Dispersion and Diversity of Clonally Related Inhibitory Interneurons.


Harwell CC, Fuentealba LC, Gonzalez-Cerrillo A, Parker PR, Gertz CC, Mazzola E, Garcia MT, Alvarez-Buylla A, Cepko CL, Kriegstein AR

Cux2-positive radial glial cells generate diverse subtypes of neocortical projection neurons and macroglia.


Eckler MJ, Nguyen TD, McKenna WL, Fastow BL, Guo C, Rubenstein JLR, Chen B
