UCSF Seminars in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (2011-12)
July 2012
Mon, 7/9/12, Noon (PH) HSW 300 Simulcast to (MB) RH Auditorium
DSCB Seminar
Olivier Pourquié, PhD
Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire (IGBMC)
Making muscle from embryonic stem cells
Host: Rich Schneider, PhD
Thur, 7/12/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) HSW 302 Simulcast to (MB) RH Auditorium
Stem Cell Seminar
Xi He, Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School
Understanding Wnt signaling in development and disease
Host: Arnold Kriegstein, PhD
June 2012
Thur, 6/7/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room TBA
CMB Seminar
Johann Eberhardt, PhD (University of Texas at Austin)
Causes of variability in craniofacial defects
Host: Rich Schneider, PhD
Thur, 6/28/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) HSW 300 Simulcast to (MB) RH Auditorium
DSCB Seminar
Raj Ladher, PhD
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Kobe, Japan
New roles for FGF signaling during inner ear hair cell formation
Host: Rich Schneider, PhD
May 2012
Tue, 5/1/12 Noon (PH) N217 Simulcast to (MB) RH Auditorium
Stem Cell Seminar
Jeff Macklis, M.D.
“Molecular Logic of Neocortical Projection Neuron
Development, Degeneration and Regeneration"
Host: Colin Dinsmore
Thur, 5/17/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room TBA
CMB Seminar
Bob Nissensen, PhD (UVSF – VA Med Ctr)
Control of Bone Formation by G Protein Signaling in Osteoblasts
Host: Stefan Habelitz, PhD
Tue, 5/22/12 Noon (PH) N225 Simulcast to (MB) RH Auditorium
Stem Cell Seminar
Rusty Gage, PhD (Salk Institute)
Title TBA
Host: Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, PhD
April 2012
Thur, 4/19/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room TBA
CMB Seminar
Licia Selleri, MD, PhD (Cornell University)
Heads Up! Two Short Tales of Cleft Lips and Hollow Ears
Host: Ralph Marcucio, PhD
Wed, 4/25/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
Nancy Speck, PhD (University Pennsylvania)
Runx1-CBFb function in hematopoiesis
Host: Ann Zovein, MD
March 2012
Tue, 3/13/12 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Barbara Meyer, PhD (UCB/HHMI)
Repressing and tethering chromosomes through molecular machines
Host: Nirao Shah
Thur, 3/15/12 12:00 p.m. (PH) Location N217
Co-sponsored with CMB
Abigail Tucker, PhD
King’s College London
The mammalian middle ear: evolution, development, and hearing disorders
Host: Rich Schneider, PhD.
Wed, 3/21/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225 - CANCELLED
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
Carla Kim, PhD (Harvard University)
Stem cell approaches to understanding lung injury repair and lung cancer
Host: Jason Rock, PhD
Tue, 3/27/12 Noon (PH) N225 Simulcast to (MB) RH Auditorium
Stem Cell Seminar
Michael Rudenicki, PhD, FRSC (University Ottowa)
Molecular regulation of muscle stem cell function
Host: Barbara Panning, PhD
Thur, 3/29/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room HSW 300
CMB Seminar
Craig Miller, PhD (UCB)
Developmental genetics of craniofacial evolution in sticklebacks
Host: Ophir Klein, MD, PhD
February 2012
Wed, 2/1/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
William Kelly, PhD (Emory University)
Epigenetic Memory in the Germline of C. elegans
Host: Miguel Ramalho-Santos, PhD, MSc
Tue, 2/7/12 Noon (PH) N217 or N225
Stem Cell Seminar
Mario Capecchi, PhD (University Utah)
Gene Targeting into the 20th Century:
Mouse Models of Human Disease from
Cancer to Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Host: Dieter Gruenert, PhD
Wed, 2/15/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225 CANCELLED 1/12/12
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
Paolo Sassone-Corsi (UC Irvine)
Common threads: Epigenetics and Metabolism
Host: Barbara Panning, PhD
Thur, 2/16/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room N225
CMB Seminar
Jerry Feng, PhD (Texas A&M)
Tooth Root Formation: BMP-Osx-DSPP Axis
Host: Ophir Klein, MD, PhD
Tue, 2/21/12 Noon (PH) N217
Stem Cell Seminar
Erika Matunis, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)
Stem cell renewal in the Drosophila testis niche
Host: Todd Nystul, PhD
Tue, 2/21/12 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Helen McNeill, PhD (Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute/Univ of Toronto)
Fat cadherin function in PCP and mitochondrial biology
Host: Wallace Marshall, PhD
Wed, 2/22/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
Paul Frenette, MD (Einstein College of Medicine)
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Microenvironment
Host: Steven Rosen, PhD
Tue, 2/28/12 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Roel Nusse, PhD (Stanford University)
Wnt signaling, stem cells and tissue maintenance
Host: Ben Cheyette, PhD
January 2012
Thur, 1/19/12 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room TBA
CMB Seminar
Drew Noden, PhD (Cornell University)
Interactions between Neural Crest and Mesodern Cells during Craniofacial Development: A Saga of Collaborations and Collusions
Host: Ralph Marcucio, PhD
Tue, 1/24/12 Noon (PH) N217 or N225
Stem Cell Seminar
Andrew Groves, PhD (Baylor University)
Building and regenerating the cochlea
Host: Nirao Shah, MD, PhD
December 2011
Thur, 12/8/11 4:00 p.m. (PH) Room TBA
CMB Seminar
Matt Hoffman, BDS, PhD (NIH/NIDCR)
Progenitor cell biology during salivary gland development provides a template for regeneration
Host: Jeff Bush, PhD
Wed, 12/14/11 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
Leonard Zon (Harvard University)
Pathways that regulate stem cell self renewal
Host: Emmanuelle Passegue, PhD
November 2011
Tue, 11/8/11 Noon (PH) N217 or N225
Stem Cell Seminar
Tamara Caspary, PhD (Emory University)
Interpreting graded Sonic Hedgehog through the primary cilium
Host: Diana Laird, PhD
Tue, 11/15/11 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Chris Doe, PhD (University of Oregon/HHMI)
Temporal identity and progressive restriction of neural progenitor competence
Host: Patrick O'Farrell, Ph.D.
Thur, 11/17/11 4:00 p.m. (PH) HSW-300
CMB Seminar
Mina Mina, DMD, PhD (University of Connecticut)
Analysis of dentinogenesis using transgenic mice expressing GFP
Host: Rich Schneider, PhD
October 2011
Wed, 10/19/11 4:00 p.m. (PH) N225
DSCB Seminar (co-sponsored with BMS)
Jennifer Zallen, PhD (Sloan-Kettering Institute)
Shaping the embryo: Cellular dynamics in development
Host: Diana Laird, PhD
Thur, 10/20/11 4:00 p.m. (PH) HSW-300
CMB Seminar
Brad Amendt, PhD (Texas A&M )
MicroRNA Regulated Gene Expression Networks During Dental Epithelial (Stem) Cell Differentiation and Craniofacial Development
Host: Ophir Klein, MD, PhD
Tue, 10/25/11 Noon (PH) N225
Stem Cell Seminar
Anne Brunet, PhD (Stanford University)
Role of longevity genes in aging neural stem cells
Host: Emmanuelle Passegue, PhD
Tue, 10/25/11 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
David Page, MD (Whitehead Institute/MIT)
Unraveling Sexual Dimorphism in the Mammalian Germline
Host: Louis Ptacek, PhD
September 2011
Tue, 9/13/11 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Marius Wernig, MD (Stanford University)
Making Neurons By Crossing Major Lineage Boundaries
Host: Yadong Huang, MD, PhD
Tue, 9/20/11 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Nipam Patel, PhD (UCB)
The Evolution of Development: Insights from Emerging Model Systems
Host: Patrick O’Farrell, PhD
Tue, 9/27/11 9:00 a.m. (MB) CVRI RM 159
CVRI Seminar
Marian Barna, PhD. (UCSF)
Rethinking How Embryos are Made: Specialized Ribosomes and Signaling Filopodia
Host: Tom Kornberg
Tue, 9/27/11 Noon (PH) N217 or N225
Stem Cell Seminar
David Gardiner, PhD (UC Irvine)
Tetrapod Limb Regeneration
Host: Rich Schneider, PhD
Tue, 9/27/11 4:00 p.m. (MB) Byers Aud. GH-106
Biochemistry Seminar
Geraldine Seydoux, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)
Breaking symmetry in the C. elegans zygote: Gradients and modeling
Host: Didier Stainier, PhD
Fri, 9/30/11 11:00 a.m. (MB) RH Aud.
DSCB Seminar
YoshikoTakahashi, PhD (NAIST, Japan)
Neuro-vascular interactions during development: a study with neural crest cells
Host: Didier Stainier, PhD