Cancer research

EGFR cooperates with EGFRvIII to recruit macrophages in glioblastoma.

Cancer research

An Z, Knobbe-Thomsen CB, Wan X, Fan QW, Reifenberger G, Weiss WA

Dual HDAC and PI3K inhibition abrogates NF?B- and FOXM1-mediated DNA damage response to radiosensitize pediatric high-grade gliomas.

Cancer research

Pal S, Kozono D, Yang X, Fendler W, Fitts W, Ni J, Alberta JA, Zhao J, Liu KX, Bian J, Truffaux N, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Bandopadhayay P, Ligon KL, Dubois SG, Mueller S, Chowdhury D, Haas-Kogan DA

2-Hydroxyglutarate-Mediated Autophagy of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Leads to an Unusual Downregulation of Phospholipid Biosynthesis in Mutant IDH1 Gliomas.

Cancer research

Viswanath P, Radoul M, Izquierdo-Garcia JL, Ong WQ, Luchman HA, Cairncross JG, Huang B, Pieper RO, Phillips JJ, Ronen SM

Lysyl Oxidase-like Protein LOXL2 Promotes Lung Metastasis of Breast Cancer.

Cancer research

Salvador F, Martin A, López-Menéndez C, Moreno-Bueno G, Santos V, Vázquez-Naharro A, Santamaria PG, Morales S, Dubus PR, Muinelo-Romay L, López-López R, Tung JC, Weaver VM, Portillo F, Cano A

Lysyl oxidase-like protein LOXL2 promotes lung metastasis of breast cancer.

Cancer research

Salvador F, Martin A, López-Menéndez C, Moreno-Bueno G, Santos V, Vazquez-Naharro A, Santamaría PG, Morales S, Dubus P, Muinelo-Romay L, López López R, Tung JC, Weaver VM, Portillo F, Cano A

CCR2 Influences T Regulatory Cell Migration to Tumors and Serves as a Biomarker of Cyclophosphamide Sensitivity.

Cancer research

Loyher PL, Rochefort J, Baudesson de Chanville C, Hamon P, Lescaille G, Bertolus C, Guillot-Delost M, Krummel MF, Lemoine FM, Combadière C, Boissonnas A

Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance Relies on the Stem Cell Reprogramming Factor PBX1.

Cancer research

Jung JG, Shih IM, Park JT, Gerry E, Kim TH, Ayhan A, Handschuh K, Davidson B, Fader AN, Selleri L, Wang TL

Ovarian cancer chemoresistance relies on the the stem cell reprogramming factor PBX1.

Cancer research

Jung JG, Shih IM, Park JT, Gerry E, Kim TH, Ayhan A, Handschuh K, Davidson B, Nickles Fader A, Selleri L, Wang TL

p120 Catenin Suppresses Basal Epithelial Cell Extrusion in Invasive Pancreatic Neoplasia.

Cancer research

Hendley AM, Wang YJ, Polireddy K, Alsina J, Ahmed I, Lafaro KJ, Zhang H, Roy N, Savidge SG, Cao Y, Hebrok M, Maitra A, Reynolds AB, Goggins M, Younes M, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Leach SD, Bailey JM

p120 Catenin Suppresses Basal Epithelial Cell Extrusion in Invasive Pancreatic Neoplasia.

Cancer research

Hendley AM, Wang YJ, Polireddy K, Alsina J, Ahmed I, Lafaro KJ, Zhang H, Roy N, Savidge SG, Cao Y, Hebrok M, Maitra A, Reynolds AB, Goggins M, Younes M, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Leach SD, Bailey JM
