Nature communications

The RNA-binding protein DAZL functions as repressor and activator of mRNA translation during oocyte maturation.

Nature communications

Yang CR, Rajkovic G, Daldello EM, Luong XG, Chen J, Conti M

Tsc1 represses parvalbumin expression and fast-spiking properties in somatostatin lineage cortical interneurons.

Nature communications

Malik R, Pai EL, Rubin AN, Stafford AM, Angara K, Minasi P, Rubenstein JL, Sohal VS, Vogt D

Disruptive mutations in TANC2 define a neurodevelopmental syndrome associated with psychiatric disorders.

Nature communications

Guo H, Bettella E, Marcogliese PC, Zhao R, Andrews JC, Nowakowski TJ, Gillentine MA, Hoekzema K, Wang T, Wu H, Jangam S, Liu C, Ni H, Willemsen MH, van Bon BW, Rinne T, Stevens SJC, Kleefstra T, Brunner HG, Yntema HG, Long M, Zhao W, Hu Z, Colson C, Richard N, Schwartz CE, Romano C, Castiglia L, Bottitta M, Dhar SU, Erwin DJ, Emrick L, Keren B, Afenjar A, Zhu B, Bai B, Stankiewicz P, Herman K, Mercimek-Andrews S, Juusola J, Wilfert AB, Abou Jamra R, Büttner B, Mefford HC, Muir AM, Scheffer IE, Regan BM, Malone S, Gecz J, Cobben J, Weiss MM, Waisfisz Q, Bijlsma EK, Hoffer MJV, Ruivenkamp CAL, Sartori S, Xia F, Rosenfeld JA, Bernier RA, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Xia K, Stegmann APA, Bellen HJ, Murgia A, Eichler EE

Saturation mutagenesis of twenty disease-associated regulatory elements at single base-pair resolution.

Nature communications

Kircher M, Xiong C, Martin B, Schubach M, Inoue F, Bell RJA, Costello JF, Shendure J, Ahituv N

Immature excitatory neurons develop during adolescence in the human amygdala.

Nature communications

Sorrells SF, Paredes MF, Velmeshev D, Herranz-Pérez V, Sandoval K, Mayer S, Chang EF, Insausti R, Kriegstein AR, Rubenstein JL, Manuel Garcia-Verdugo J, Huang EJ, Alvarez-Buylla A

Lsd1 as a therapeutic target in Gfi1-activated medulloblastoma.

Nature communications

Lee C, Rudneva VA, Erkek S, Zapatka M, Chau LQ, Tacheva-Grigorova SK, Garancher A, Rusert JM, Aksoy O, Lea R, Mohammad HP, Wang J, Weiss WA, Grimes HL, Pfister SM, Northcott PA, Wechsler-Reya RJ

Estrogen signaling in arcuate Kiss1 neurons suppresses a sex-dependent female circuit promoting dense strong bones.

Nature communications

Herber CB, Krause WC, Wang L, Bayrer JR, Li A, Schmitz M, Fields A, Ford B, Zhang Z, Reid MS, Nomura DK, Nissenson RA, Correa SM, Ingraham HA

Efficient labeling and imaging of protein-coding genes in living cells using CRISPR-Tag.

Nature communications

Chen B, Zou W, Xu H, Liang Y, Huang B

The phospholipid PI(3,4)P2 is an apical identity determinant.

Nature communications

Román-Fernández Á, Roignot J, Sandilands E, Nacke M, Mansour MA, McGarry L, Shanks E, Mostov KE, Bryant DM

Heart enhancers with deeply conserved regulatory activity are established early in zebrafish development.

Nature communications

Yuan X, Song M, Devine P, Bruneau BG, Scott IC, Wilson MD
