Friday, September 28, 2018 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Antara Rao (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Around the Brain in 80 Clusters: Single-Cell Analysis of the Aging Fly Brain"
Davie, K., Janssens, J., Koldere, D., De Waegeneer, M., Pech, U., Kreft, … Aerts, S. (2018). A Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Aging Drosophila Brain. Cell.
Coaches: Todd Nystul and Alex Pollen
Sean de la O (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Endocrine cell type sorting and mature architecture in the islets of Langerhans require expression of Roundabout receptors in β cells"
Adams, M. Gilbert, J. Paiz, J. Bowman, F. Blum, B. Endocrine cell type sorting and mature architecture in the islets of Langerhans require expression of Roundabout receptors in β cells. Scientific Reports 8:10876, 1-12. (2018).
Coaches: Julie Sneddon and Sarah Knox
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1402
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Matthew Schmitz (DSCB 2nd year student)
"It's Not All Ova."
Sozen, B. et al. Self-assembly of embryonic and two extra-embryonic stem cell types into gastrulating embryo-like structures. Nature Cell Biology 20, 979-989. (2018).
Ryan Samuel (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Geometry Keeps Us In Shape: Geometrical confinement controls the asymmetric patterning of brachyury in cultures of pluripotent cells"
Blin, G. et al. Geometrical confinement controls the asymmetric patterning of brachyury in cultures of pluripotent cells. Development 145(18), 1-15. (2018).
Friday, October 26, 2018 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Nicole Koutsodendris (DSCB 2nd year student)
"APOE4 Causes Widespread Molecular and Cellular Alterations Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Brain Cell Types"
Lin, Y.T. et al. APOE4 Causes Widespread Molecular and Cellular Alterations Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Brain Cell Types. Neuron 98(6), 1141-1154. (2018).
Coaches: Yadong Huang and Jorge Palop
Karishma Pratt (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Forget your New Year's Resolution to work out... Combined adult neurogenesis and BDNF mimic exercise effects on cognition in an Alzheimer's mouse model"
Choi, Se Hoon et al. Combined adult neurogenesis and BDNF mimic exercise effects on cognition in an Alzheimer's mouse model. Science 361(6406), 1-15. (2018).
Coaches: Daniel Lim and Georgia Panagiotakos
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-2106
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Emily Bulger (DSCB 1st year student)
"'The Only Constants in Life are Death and Taz(es)': The Hippo pathway effector Taz is required for cell morphogenesis and fertilization in zebrafish"
Dingare, C. et al. The Hippo pathway effector Taz is required for cell morphogenesis and fertilization in zebrafish. Development 10.1242/dev.167023. (2018).
Beatriz Alvarado (DSCB 2nd year student)
"We have to stick together!: Neural-specific deletion of the focal adhesion adaptor protein paxillin slows migration speed and delays cortical layer formation"
Rashid, M. et al. Neural-specific deletion of the focal adhesion adaptor protein paxillin slows migration speed and delays cortical layer formation. Development 144, 4002-4014. (2017).
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1402
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Michael Mobaraki (DSCB 1st year student)
"One way the Oocyte resets: ‘A role of Pumilio 1 in mammalian oocyte maturation and maternal phase of embryogenesis’"
Mak, W. et al. A role of Pumilio 1 in mammalian oocyte maturation and maternal phase of embryogenesis. Cell Biosci 8(54):1-17. (2018).
Thi Nguyen (DSCB 1st year student)
"Science is Back-breaking Work!: Cilia-driven cerebrospinal fluid flow directs expression of urotensin neuropeptides to straighten the vertebrate body axis."
Zhang, X. et al. Cilia-driven cerebrospinal fluid flow directs expression of urotensin neuropeptides to straighten the vertebrate body axis. Nature Genetics. (2018).
Friday, December 7, 2018 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Matthew Schmitz (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Beauty is only skin deep: An elegant mechanism of epidermal homeostasis."
Mesa, K.R. et al. Homeostatic epidermal stem cell self-renewal is driven by local differentiation. Cell Stem Cell 23, 677-686. (2018).
Coaches: David Raleigh and Jeffrey Bush
Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1402
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Jean Luke Campos (DSCB 1st year student)
"Cellular Origami: The Drosophila Blood-Brain Barrier Adapts to Cell Growth by Unfolding of Pre-Existing Septate Junctions"
Babatz, F., Naffin, E., and Klämbt, C. The Drosophila Blood-Brain Barrier Adapts to Cell Growth by Unfolding of Pre-existing Septate Junctions. Developmental Cell 47, 697-710.e3. (2018).
Elina Kostyanovskaya (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Murine Eggs and (progr)ham: an egg-celent in vitro recipe"
Hikabe, O. et al. Reconstitution in vitro of the entire cycle of the mouse female germ line. Nature. 299-303. (2016)
Friday, January 18, 2019 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Elina Kostyanovskaya (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Can you have it all? Finding Your Balance in a Competitive Niche: The Story of Academia (but also spermatogenic stem cell homeostasis)"
Kitadate, Y. et al. Competition for Mitogens Regulates Spermatogenic Stem Cell Homeostasis in an Open Niche. Cell Stem Cell. 24(1):79-92. (2018).
Coaches: Todd Nystul & Bjoern Schwer
Beatriz Alvarado (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Duck(t) out early with Foxp1: Foxp1 is Indispensable for Ductal Morphogenesis and Controls the Exit of Mammary Stem Cells from Quiescence"
Fu, N.Y. et al. Foxp1 Is Indispensable for Ductal Morphogenesis and Controls the Exit of Mammary Stem Cells from Quiescence. Dev Cell 47, 629-644 e628. (2018).
Coaches: Sarah Knox & Bjoern Schwer
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1402
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Nicole Koutsodendris (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Identification of Embryonic Neural Plate Border Stem Cells and Their Generation by Direct Reprogramming from Adult Human Blood Cells"
Marc Christian Thier, Oliver Hommerding, Jasper Panten, Roberta Pinna, Diego García-González, Thomas Berger, Philipp Wörsdörfer, Yassen Assenov, Roberta Scognamiglio, Adriana Przybylla, Paul Kaschutnig, Lisa Becker, Michael D. Milsom, Anna Jauch, Jochen Utikal, Carl Herrmann, Hannah Monyer, Frank Edenhofer, Andreas Trumpp, Identification of Embryonic Neural Plate Border Stem Cells and Their Generation by Direct Reprogramming from Adult Human Blood Cells, Cell Stem Cell, Volume 24, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 166-182.e13, ISSN 1934-5909
Brandon Chacon (DSCB 1st year student)
"You Get a Barcode, You Get a Barcode, and You Get a Barcode. Using CRISPR Barcoding to Lineage Trace an Entire Mouse"
Developmental barcoding of whole mouse via homing CRISPR. Reza Kalhor, Kian Kalhor, Leo Mejia, Kathleen Leeper, Amanda Graveline, Prashant Mali, George M. Church. Science 31 Aug 2018: Vol. 361, Issue 6405, eaat9804. DOI: 10.1126/science.aat98044.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1401
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Matthew Keefe (DSCB 1st year student)
"Hungry Hungry Hippo-thalamic Mediated Neurogenesis"
Paul, A., Chaker, Z. & Doetsch, F. Hypothalamic regulation of regionally distinct adult neural stem cells and neurogenesis. Science 356, 1383–1386 (2017).
Gugene Kang (DSCB 1st year student)
"Quiescence Modulates Stem Cell Maintenance and Regenerative Capacity in the Aging Brain"
Georgios Kalamakis, Daniel Brüne, Srikanth Ravichandran, Jan Bolz, Wenqiang Fan, Frederik Ziebell, Thomas Stiehl, Francisco Catalá-Martinez, Janina Kupke, Sheng Zhao, Enric Llorens-Bobadilla, Katharina Bauer, Stefanie Limpert, Birgit Berger, Urs Christen, Peter Schmezer, Jan Philipp Mallm, Benedikt Berninger, Simon Anders, Antonio del Sol, Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Ana Martin-Villalba. Quiescence Modulates Stem Cell Maintenance and Regenerative Capacity in the Aging Brain. Cell, Volume 176, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 1407-1419.e14, ISSN 0092-8674,
Friday, March 22, 2019 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Emily Bulger (DSCB 1st year student)
"Lessons from the Jerboa: Evolutionary loss of foot muscle during development with characteristics of atrophy and no evidence of cell death"
Tran MP, Tsutsumi R, Erberich JM, Chen KD, Flores MD, Cooper KL. (Submitted)Evolutionary loss of foot muscle during development with characteristics of atrophy and no evidence of cell death. bioRxiv 512590.
Coaches: Diana Laird and Todd Nystul
Thi Nguyen (DSCB 1st year student)
"Diabetes relief in mice by glucose- sensing insulin-secreting human α-cells"
Furuyama, K., Chera, S., Gurp, L. Van, Oropeza, D., Ghila, L., Damond, N., … Herrera, P. L. (2019). Diabetes relief in mice by glucose-sensing insulin-secreting human α-cells. Nature 2019, 1.
Coaches: Julie Sneddon and Bruce Wang
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - 5:00-7:00 PM
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Nicholas Elder (DSCB 1st year student)
Karishma Pratt (DSCB 2nd year student)
"What your gut is saying to your brain: Mechanisms underlying microbial-mediated changes in social behavior in mouse models of ASD"
Sgritta et al. Mechanisms Underlying Microbial-Mediated Changes in Social Behavior in Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neuron (Dec 2018)
Friday, April 19, 2019 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Jean Luke Campos (DSCB 1st year student)
"Using the Force: The dynamics of Hippo signaling during Drosophila wing development"
Yuanwang Pan, Herve Alégot, Cordelia Rauskolb, Kenneth D. Irvine. Development 2018 : dev.165712 doi: 10.1242/dev.165712 Published 25 September 2018
Coaches: Todd Nystul and Jeff Bush
Michael Mobaraki (DSCB 1st year student)
"A New Shepherd in Town: How H3k36me3 Guides m6A RNA Modification in Vitro Impacting Stem Cell Differentiation"
Huilin Huang., et al. Histone H3 trimethylation at lysine 36 guides m6A RNA modification co-transcriptionally. Nature 567, 414–419 (2019).
Coaches: Yin Shen and Andrew Brack
Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1402
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Antara Rao (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Sex, Drugs, and Stem Cells: Modeling Chronic Chlamydia Infection in Human Organoids"
Kessler, M., Hoffmann, K., Fritsche, K., Brinkmann, V., Mollenkopf, H.-J., Thieck, O., … Meyer, T. F. (2019). Chronic Chlamydia infection in human organoids increases stemness and promotes age-dependent CpG methylation. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1194
Friday, May 17, 2019 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Matthew Keefe (DSCB 1st year student)
Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: "Characterization of Intracellular Transcriptomic and Proteomic Heterogeneity in Developing Neurons"
Subcellular transcriptomes and proteomes of developing axon projections in the cerebral cortex by Alexandros Poulopoulos, Alexander J. Murphy, Abdulkadir Ozkan, Patrick Davis, John Hatch, Rory Kirchner & Jeffrey D. Macklis; Nature, January 2019
Coaches: Alex Pollen and Licia Selleri
Brandon Chacon (DSCB 1st year student)
"Aging With Grace, Not(ch) On My Watch"
Rapid population-wide declines in stem cell number and activity during reproductive aging in C. elegans
Zuzana Kocsisova, Kerry Kornfeld, Tim Schedl. April 2019. Development
Coaches: Saul Villeda and Andrew Brack
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Room: MH-1402
Developmental Biology Journal Club
Zhiling Zhao (DSCB 2nd year student)
Physical and functional cell-matrix uncoupling in a developing tissue under tension
Proag, Amsha, et al. “Physical and Functional Cell-Matrix Uncoupling in a Developing Tissue under Tension.” Development, 2019, doi:10.1242/dev.172577.
Sean de la O (DSCB 2nd year student)
Charting cellular identity during human in vitro β-cell differentiation
Veres, Adrian et al. Charting cellular identity during human in vitro β-cell differentiation. Nature 569 368-373 (2019).
Friday, June 7, 2019 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: RMB Boardroom
Stem Cell Journal Club
Ryan Samuel (DSCB 2nd year student)
"How An ALS Patient 'Chipped In' To Research: Microphysiological 3D model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) from human iPS-derived muscle cells and optogenetic motor neurons."
Osaki, T., Uzel, S. G. M., and Kamm, R. D.Microphysiological 3D model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) from human iPS-derived muscle cells and optogenetic motor neurons. Sci Adv 4:eaat5847. (2018).
Coaches: Daniel Lim and Georgia Panagiotakos
Gugene Kang (DSCB 1st year student)
"Lost in Translation: Onset of differentiation is post-transcriptionally controlled in adult neural stem cells"
Onset of differentiation is post-transcriptionally controlled in adult neural stem cells. Baser A, Skabkin M, Kleber S, Dang Y, Gülcüler Balta GS, Kalamakis G, Göpferich M, Ibañez DC, Schefzik R, Lopez AS, Bobadilla EL, Schultz C, Fischer B, Martin-Villalba A. Nature. 2019 Feb;566(7742):100-104
Coaches: Alex Pollen and Michael Oldham
Friday, June 21, 2019 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Room: Parnassus, N-721
Stem Cell Journal Club
Nicholas Elder (DSCB 1st year student)
"More than Morphogens: Mechanics-guided embryonic patterning of neurectoderm tissue"
Xue, X., Sun, Y., Resto-Irizarry, A. M., Yuan, Y., Aw Yong, K. M., Zheng, Y., Weng, S., Shao, Y., Chai, Y., Studer, L. and Fu, J. (2018). Mechanics-guided embryonic patterning of neuroectoderm tissue from human pluripotent stem cells. Nature Materials 17(7), 633–641.
Coaches: Georgia Panagiotakos and Stephen Fancy
Zhiling Zhao (DSCB 2nd year student)
"Moving forward? Choose rear-wheel drive, like chemotaxis!"
Shellard, A., Szabó, A., Trepat, X. and Mayor, R. Supracellular contraction at the rear of neural crest cell groups drives collective chemotaxis. Science 362, 339–343. (2018).
Coaches: Takashi Mikawa and Orion Weiner